Difference between DRHP & RHP


In the complex landscape of the stock market, there are terms and documents that can appear confusing to newcomers. Among these, two documents play an important role  in the process of a company going public through an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in India – the DRHP and RHP. 

Understanding these documents is essential for any potential investor. Let’s dive deeper into these concepts in a simplified manner.


What is DRHP

DRHP stands for “Draft Red Herring Prospectus.” It’s a detailed document that a company planning to initiate an IPO in India must carefully prepare. The term “Draft” points out that it is not the final version, and “Red Herring” signifies that it doesn’t constitute an offer to purchase shares but rather serves as an informational guide for potential investors.

What is RHP

RHP, or “Red Herring Prospectus,” is closely linked to the DRHP. Once the market regulator gives its approval to the DRHP, it transforms into the RHP. 

The term “red herring” means it’s not the final prospectus, but it contains all the essential information that potential investors need to make informed decisions regarding the purchase of shares in the company’s IPO.


1. Draft vs. Final: The main difference between the two lies in their status. The DRHP serves as the initial draft, submitted for regulatory assessment, while the RHP is the refined and final version used during the actual IPO.

2. Timing: The DRHP is submitted well before the company can gauge investor interest. In contrast, the RHP enters the scene when the company is poised to go public.

3. Details: The DRHP may contain placeholders and incomplete sections as it is an initial document. In contrast, the RHP is designed to be comprehensive, offering a complete and detailed picture of the company’s financial status and future plans.

4. Legally Binding: Investors can rely on the information presented in the RHP for making their investment decisions. On the other hand, the DRHP is subject to changes and clarifications, making it less binding.


The DRHP and RHP play vital roles. The DRHP can be likened to a rough sketch, while the RHP is the polished masterpiece. Both documents serve as crucial tools for investors, enabling them to gain insights into a company’s financial health and prospects before deciding to invest in its IPO

Therefore, when you encounter these acronyms in the stock market, remember that they signify two vital stages in the exciting journey of stock market investments. With this knowledge, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the intricate world of IPOs and make informed investment decisions.

Frequently asked question

Can changes be made between the DRHP and RHP?

Yes, changes can be made based on regulatory feedback and other factors. The RHP reflects the final terms of the IPO.

When are DRHP and RHP made public?

The DRHP is made public initially for regulatory review and comments. The RHP is made public when the company is ready to launch the IPO.

Are DRHPs and RHPs legally binding documents?

Yes, DRHPs and RHPs are legal documents filed with regulatory authorities. They must contain accurate information, and companies are legally bound to fulfill their commitments outlined in these documents.

How can investors obtain copies of DRHP and RHP documents?

These documents are usually available on the websites of regulatory authorities, stock exchanges, and the company’s website during the IPO process.

Can investors invest in an IPO without reading the RHP?

It is strongly recommended that investors read the RHP thoroughly to understand the terms, risks, and financials of the IPO before making investment decisions.

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